People - MACSS



Faculty Director

Heather A. Haveman

Professor of Sociology and Management


Anthony Suen

Graduate Student Services

Pamela Gleason

Assistant Director of Career Services and Employer Relations

Cybil Vidal

Graduate Group

Max Auffhammer

George Pardee Jr. Professor of International Sustainable Development

David Harding

Professor of Sociology

Erin Hartman

Associate Professor of Political Science

Demian Pouzo

Associate Professor of Economics

William Thompson

Associate Professor of Psychology

Bryan Graham

Professor of Economics

Vira Semenova

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics

Chris Walters

Associate Professor, Department of Economics

Gaspar Begus

Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics

Terry Regier

Professor, Linguistics & Cognitive Science

David Broockman

Associate Professor, Political Science

Aaron Fisher

Associate Professor, Psychology

Keanan Joyner

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Robert Braun

Associate Professor, Sociology & Political Science

Neil Fligstein

Director of the Center for Culture, Organization, and Politics

Trond Petersen

Associate Dean of the Division of Social Sciences

Dennis Feehan

Associate Professor, Demography

Josh Goldstein

Ayesha Mahmud